M919 Fuchsia

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Photo 1
Author: Leo Van Ginderen collection
Location: (BE) Zeebrugge
Date: N/A

Administrative data Technical data
name: M919 Fuchsia
commissioned: 1988
flag: Belgium
dimensions: 51.50 x 8.96 x 3.60 m
type: "Flower" class (Tripartite) minehunter
specs: crew: 46
speed: 15.00 kn

former name(s): new name(s):
No known former names M652 Cephee ('97-..) (French navy)

We also have pictures of this vessel under the folowing name(s).
M652 Cephee

Extra info:
the "Flower" class is also known as the "Tripartite" class

A joint venture of the navies of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, the "Tripartite" class of minehunters were conceived in the 1970s and built in the 1980s.
France built the mine-hunting equipment, Belgium provided the electronics, and the Netherlands constructed the propulsion train.
France and the Netherlands originally bought 15, with Belgium buying 10.

Converted? This vessel has not been converted.
Museum? No
Decommissioned? This vessel was decommissioned or transfered in the year 1997
Scrapping? Not scrapped on 01/08/2019.
Severely damaged? No